Saturday, March 29, 2008

Links for the Day 03/29/2008

I'm testing the feature that lets me post annotations and links from diigo to here. I know that many of you are getting sick of hearing of this little tool and if you're a beginner, perhaps you should wait, however, for me, I'm finding it useful.

Forgive me as I learn to work through the kinks here. It may be bumpy at first, but this gives me a more robust way to share links -- many of you have e-mailed me that you like my link goodness best! This way it can become part of my blog... I'm still not sure I want it here, and yet there are STILL people who go to the site directly and don't understand RSS.

FeedFlare™ Catalog

tags: blogging, twitter

These are the cool feedflares that you can add in addition to those already used in Feedflare -- for bloggers using Feedburner to RSS things. There is a new one called twit this.

Streamline It Part I: Diigo or Bust : Metanoia

tags: diigo, edu_newapp, techintegrator

Ryan Bretag says, "Okay, here it is. I’m dumping Zotero, Delicious, and Google Notebook for Diigo. Blasphemy to some, I know, but I can basically get all I need in one: "

This chart by Ryan Bretag summarizes what the sites can do. He left off a few but this is great.

A Collection on "Internet Safety Information" (cyberbullying,cybersafety,internetsafety) | Diigo

tags: administrator, all_teachers, cyberbullying, digital_citizenship, digitalcitizenship, internetsafety, techintegrator

A great list that I came across from the educators group on Diigo-- this is a collection of internet safety information -- great resources. This is an excellent tool.

Top News - Analysis: How multimedia can improve learning

tags: all_teachers, bestpractices, curriculum

An analysis of existing research supports a notion that already has begun to transform instruction in schools from coast to coast: that multimodal learning--using many modes and strategies that cater to individual learners' needs and capacities--is more effective than traditional, unimodal learning, which uses a single mode or strategy.

My Membership - Group Widget | Diigo Groups

tags: diigo, edu_newapp

Group widget for the Educators Diigo Group

Group Tag Dictionary

tags: all_teachers, diigo, edu_newapp

This is the current tag dictionary -- we really only get 17 that show up and I had to truncate the names -- but if you join the group and send pages to the group when you bookmark these tags will come up.

educators | Diigo Group

tags: all_teachers

This will be my first "official" bookmark to the educators group on diigo. I'm sending it to the group to make use of the standard tagging dictionary I've set up to use with this group -- this will help us share at a further level.

Keeping students cybersafe! « On an e-journey with generation Y

tags: connectingpeople, digital_citizenship, education, hz08, hzmeta, internetsafety

Some good best practices from a teacher on keeping students cybersafe. I like this practical list and think it should be shared. It is important that we teach students about how to be safe online and good digital citizens.

**TIP: Click the annotated link below**

This morning I came here before I went to twitter. This seems to be the place to be right now. Sti | Diigo Message System Annotated

tags: @education_trends, collectiveintelligence, collectiveknowledge, connectingpeople, coolcatteacher, diigo, education, hz08, hzmeta, twitter, virtualcollab

This is a very honest, open discussion between educators about why diigo or delicious -- I think the fact we can have this conversation within diigo at all says a lot for the usefulness of the tool. Diigo is an emerging tool for social bookmarking and collective intelligence.

Cool Cat Teacher Blog: The Five Phases of Flattening a Classroom

tags: collectiveknowledge, connectingpeople, education, flatclassroom, hz08, hzmeta, virtualcollab

I wrote this post to outline the progression I take my classes through to get them to the state where they may collaborate directly with students in another country. I put a lot of time and thought into the progression of collaborative skills.

Wikinomics » Blog Archive » Wiki collaboration leads to happiness

tags: collectiveintelligence, collectiveknowledge, connectingpeople, govt_business, hz08, hzmeta, usercontent, virtualcollab, wiki, wikinomics

This incredible chart says it all about the importance of wiki collaboration. This should also be a message to bloated bureaucracies looking to squeeze that last bit of efficiency out of already overworked staff. This is an important chart for horizon project students to include, I believe.

Blackboard claims initially denied

tags: education

U.S. Patent & Trademark Office issued its Non-Final Action on the re-examination of the Blackboard Patent. We are studying the document, found here, but in short, the PTO has rejected all 44 of Blackboard's claims.

The Map Is Not The Territory: the changing face of the edublogosphere at

tags: blogging, edublogger, education, researcher_thoughtleader

Doug Belshaw's ruminations on the edublogosphere and how it is changing. I'm going to be thinking on this one.



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