You are what you think. I always find it interesting that some teachers think all of their students are terrible and I get the same class and am in love with the beauty and individuality of each one.
Our thought process so much drives the teaching process. Teachers in love with teaching often spawn students in love with learning.
Of course, we all have our problems and struggles and things that are just awful (paperwork, ridiculous requirements, etc.) however, that is life. Get over it and remember that your attitude is your attitude.
No one can ruin your day unless you let them.
I'm in the mountains this week and blogged WAY ahead to keep the blog posts coming (thank you blogger for this handy new tool) and am so ready to get away and just think and be still. I may be a little slow on posting the comments, but I'll be back renewed and rejuvenated.. and more positive.
My own positive attitude slips sometimes because life and school and work and a messy house can be so frustrating!
Looking forward to time tubing, rafting, riding horses, playing tennis, fishing, and hanging out with 18 members of my immediate family! (That is insane isn't it.)
My family gives me so much of my strength. It is worth the struggle it takes to get there.
tag: inspiration, positive, learning
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